What To Consider When Buying a New Home

So you have saved up and found a mortgage that works for you. Now all that is left to do is find the right home to buy and move into. There are so many options. What to choose? There are positive and negatives for every choice.

Today I will be sharing some of the things that you should be looking for. Would a new build home could be a viable option for you? Does ‘second-hand’ have more appeal to you? Knowing what to look for could help make your decision much easier.


The Extra Costs of Buying

If you have found a home that you love, there is more to pay than just the asking price. Remember to take into account the extra costs that come with buying a home. The extra costs are things like having a survey done on the property. They also include legal fees, stamp duty (if applicable), furniture and removal costs.

You should also consider extra fees, such as a mortgage arrangement fee. This in itself could be around $1000, just to, as it sounds, arrange the mortgage. All these extra expenses need to be considered when looking at what you can spend.

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New or Old

If you haven’t decided on a home yet, perhaps you could decide what style of home you’d prefer? Each have good and bad things about them so think what would work best for you. New homes generally have less character, but they need fewer repairs and are a blank canvas for you. A lot of new homes come with warranties too. Have a look at the new homes for sale with Linden Homes, if you think a new build is for you.


Assess the Area

The home you may have found, might be the right size and perfectly decorated, but there is more to consider. Depending on your jobs and family situation, the neighbourhood and area are really important. Are you in catchment areas for well-rated schools? How far are you from a train station? Is lots of parking in the area important to you?


Take a step back, think about your life and lifestyle, and what are priorities for you. If you are looking at a home miles from a train station and you commute, as lovely as it is, it may not be worth looking at.


Get Lots of Information

When you are looking around a home, there will be a lot of things running through your mind. It might be a good idea to write down a list of all the things that you need to ask. Questions like, how many viewings have there been and how long has it been on the market, are essential. You should also get as much information as possible about the maintenance of the home. How long ago was the boiler repaired? Can you see the gas certificates?


Unfortunately, not all estate agents will have all the answers right away. Make sure that they earn their fee and find out for you. You must also remember to chase them up!


Good luck for the hunt for your perfect home. It can be a lengthy process, but using these few tips, it should have you more prepared.

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