Wonderful Things You Should Spend Your Bonus Or Tax Return On!

women shoppingWe all love that time of the year when our work bonuses and tax returns come through. While I hate trying to decipher the complicated enigma that is our tax code when I do my personal taxes, I love getting that tax return back, so I find a way to power through it. I always have something earmarked to spend my bonus on. It’s a great feeling to know that all my hard work has been rewarded. And I can relax and spend the money on something to treat myself. These are my suggestions for things you could spend your bonus on.

Shopping Spree

We ladies all love a bit of retail therapy. So what better use for that extra cash than a much-needed shopping spree?! Call up your girlfriends and book a day to enjoy yourselves. Hit the high street and stock up in the latest shoes or bags out there. Shopping sprees are great for us girlies because we find the process therapeutic. Plus buying ourselves things makes us feel good. So this would be my number one suggestion for you.

Touch Up Your Place

It’s likely you have a few bits and pieces you’d like to do around the home. There’s always something that needs doing. So why not use this extra influx of money to do some touch ups to your place. Perhaps you’ve had your eye on refinishing the wood flooring in your home. Or maybe there’s some art you’ve wanted to get for the walls. Well, now is the time to fulfil these, and make your place as awesome as you’ve always wanted it to be.


One of my biggest vices, when I shop, is makeup. Many women love spending their cash on shoes, bags and clothes. Not me; I’m a makeup gal through and through! Whenever my bonus comes through I like to take my money out and stock up on all my favourite makeup. I’m now a total pro at shopping for cosmetics, and I like to hit the makeup counters and check out new samples. Then I can make a note of anything I like. My makeup collection is huge because I love to look and feel fabulous. So this would be an excellent use of your bonus money.

Weekend Away

How often do we get time off each year? For many of us, we may only get one holiday per year, if that. So, instead of spending your money on things, why not splurge on a weekend away. You might want to take your partner or some girlfriends. Or, you could just enjoy a bit of alone time being pampered. I love to go on weekends away as I find it breaks up the monotony of working life.

Piece of Furniture

Another thing I like to do with my bonus money is to bring in a new piece of furniture. There’s often something I’ve got my eye on. Last year it was a memory foam mattress for the bed. But it could be anything from a lampshade to a new sofa. Buying furniture adds visual flair to my place as well as increasing comfort and making me feel good. So I would highly recommend this if you’re a practical spender.

As you can see, there’s plenty you can spend this extra money on. Of course, you could always save it. But, I like to treat myself to something I’ve wanted for a long while. That way I feel like I’ve really earned the purchase. You need to decide what you’d like to spend your bonus on.  

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