Xbox Fitness

This post is part of my involvement in the Microsoft Connections Ambassador Program.


I have been using Microsoft products for twenty years now (Yes, I freaked out when I worked it out! I feel so old). So I was quite excited to be invited to take part in the Microsoft ambassador program. The best thing I found is playing with the Xbox One features and apps, in particular the Xbox Fitness App. Xbox Fitness is free to Gold members on Xbox One, and it’s been quite a surprising experience.

The Xbox One Fitness service brings together a catalog of workout videos from top trainers, including Jillian Michaels, Tracy Anderson, and Tony Horton of P90X. Once users get in the swing of things, Xbox Fitness acts as a personal trainer, creating personalized workout routines of 10-60 minutes based on past workout history and performance as monitored with the Kinect sensor. Xbox claims the sensor will help you keep top form and even read your heart rate (which was scary when you were as unfit as I was before starting to use Xbox Fitness).

Xbox Fitness Screen (1)

I was quite impressed with the trainers and workouts. With trainers like Jillian Michaels from the US version of The Biggest Loser, Shaun T, Tony Horton and trainer to the stars (such as Gwenyth Paltrow), Tracy Anderson, you know the workouts are designed by professionals and they will work. When I have completed a workout, the silhouette of the body will appear on the right side of the screen with colors and movement to showcase which muscles are engaged and how hard each is working. Very cool, yes?

I have been doing the Jillian Michaels and Tracy Anderson workouts and really enjoy them. It is great doing a workout at home, in my living room, in whatever I happen to be wearing at the time (even PJ’s!) and not having to get dressed up in gym gear or work out a time when I can go to the gym. I can workout whenever, at a time that suits me.

Oh my gosh, do they work you hard but the workouts work! I have dropped a dress size in a few months. The workouts are short, intense but a lot of fun. Even the kids join in!

My verdict: I think it is fantastic and such a great app for Mums who have little time for themselves. Now there aren’t any excuses to exercise!

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