5 Things To Know About Pregnancy

Trying to get pregnant? Congratulations. Hopefully you will be successful and give birth to a beautiful baby.
Being pregnant puts a lot of pressure on your body. You will see many changes, and some can be worrying or stressful. Deciding to get pregnant isn’t something you should do lightly. Here are 5 things to know about pregnancy.
First and foremost, it’s important to know the risks. There are many reasons for having a high-risk pregnancy, such as your age, weight or a pre-existing health condition. A high-risk pregnancy means there is a greater chance of having a miscarriage. Your child could also be born with an illness or disability due to a complication during pregnancy, such as Chorioamnionitis (if already affected, speak to an Infant Chorioamnionitis attorney). While the chances of these risks are often slim, it’s important to speak to a doctor and get a checkup before trying to get pregnant.
What to eat
On a cheerier note, food! Knowing what to eat during pregnancy is key to ensuring a healthy baby. Your body is going through a lot of changes and needs extra nutrients. You probably already know to avoid alcohol during pregnancy, but what else should you avoid? Say no to caffeine, raw seafood, rare meat, raw eggs and unpasteurized cheeses. Say yes to avocados, salmon, lentils, bananas and sweet potatoes.
Check ups
Being pregnant means lots of trips to the doctors. These are important to check the health of you and the baby. But how regular are these appointments? If you have a healthy pregnancy, your doctor will probably want to see you on the following recommended schedule: weeks 4 to 28: 1 visit a month. Weeks 28 to 36: 1 visit every 2 weeks. Weeks 36 to 40: 1 visit every week. For a high-risk pregnancy, your check-ups will be more regular. Let’s hope you like your doctor…
Telling people
People often struggle to know when to tell people that they’re pregnant. People are encouraged to keep it secret for as long as possible, in case something goes wrong. However, new research states that encouraging pregnant people not to share their news too early can be more emotionally distressing than telling people. If a woman has a miscarriage and no one knows, she has to hide her feelings which can be extremely damaging. So, what’s the answer? Tell people when it’s right for you.
It’s an unfortunate fact that pregnancy will disrupt your sleep. You might feel fatigued or experience insomnia. Try to get as much sleep as possible, and don’t be ashamed to nap during the day. You’re carrying life inside you, so it’s perfectly normal to be exhausted.