Turn Your Garden into a Relaxing Retreat
It’s a shame that so many of the people who are fortunate enough to have a garden don’t use the extra space to their full advantage. Sure, they might spend an hour or two sitting out there in the summer, or to barbecue dinner, but other than that, it goes completely unused!
The garden is basically an extension to your home and using that extra space is quite simply the smart thing to do. One of the best ways to use it is as a relaxing retreat space that you can head to when you want some peace and quiet away from the hubbub of family life.
Here are some simple things you can do to turn your garden into a relaxing retreat you’ll truly love:
Build a Deck
If you don’t already have a decking area in your garden, it’s time to build one. You can hardly relax in the garden if you don’t have a comfy place to do it and a deck with some pretty garden furniture on top is the most relaxing garden solution.
When building your deck, you should ideally use a product like NewTechWood, which is pretty much maintenance free, so you don’t have to worry about keeping it in good condition. Here’s where to buy NewTechWood if you’re interested. Just make sure that you get someone who knows what they’re doing to install it!
Install a Water Feature
The sound of running water is one of the most soothing sounds of all time, which is why installing a water feature should be high on your list of things to do if you want your garden to be a relaxing retreat.
Hang a Hammock
The humble hammock may be a pretty simple piece for the yard, but once you’ve strung it up between two trees and you’re lying down in it, with the sun on your skin, being swayed by a gentle breeze, you’ll come to realise its value as a relaxation tool.
Plant Soothing Flowers and Herbs
Aromatherapy really helps a lot of people to relax and having a garden filled with wonderfully scented plants and herbs is like having your own aromatherapist on tap.
Herbs and flowers that combat stress and help you relax include things like lavender, chamomile, clary sage, and jasmine. Plant these close to your seating area, and you’ll always feel calmer when you’re in your garden.
A Fire Pit
There’s something so calming about sitting around a fire, feeling the heat and watching the flames dance, so installing a fire pit, like this one in your relaxation garden is pretty essential. It’ll also help to keep you warmer on those colder evenings, too.
A Gazebo
Installing a gazebo and decorating it with lanterns and fairy lights, will give you a slightly more private seating area, where you can retreat when the family has taken over the decking. Locate it close to the water feature for maximum tranquillity.
A Bird Feeder
Watching birds go about their business as you listen to their pretty songs is the ultimate in relaxation, so encourage them into your garden with a bird feeder and bird friendly plants.
Is your garden a relaxation haven? What are your tips for transforming your garden space into a relaxing retreat?