Your Essential Checklist For Moving Home
If you are going to be moving home over the next few weeks, then there are many things to consider. Before you move, there are things to think about, as well as actually after moving too. So here is a quick checklist of things to think about to help the move run as smoothly as possible.
Five or Six Weeks Before
- One of the first things to do is to hire experienced furniture removalists to help you move. Removal companies can get booked up, so by booking over a month in advance; you should get them on the day that you need them.
- Check your home insurance policy. You want to check what will still be covered and let them know the date that you’re moving, so they can move the policy over accordingly.
- If you already have home insurance, then it is a good time to check that and if it will still be valid according to the details of your new home. If not, call your provider to amend it.
Three to Four Weeks Before
- Check the broadband in the zip or postal code of your new area. You’ll want to have it up and running for as soon as you arrive. So see what’s available and if you can get it set up or have your existing contract moved.
- Energy tariffs is another thing to check for your new home. Your existing providers may be able to carry on from your new home. But if you have moved far, then that is quite unlikely. So look out for the best deal and for fixed contracts to keep costs as low as possible.
- Let family and friends know of your move and give them details of your new address. If anyone can help you move, then that is just an added bonus!
One To Two Weeks Before
- Get on top of your packing if you only have two weeks to go. Make it easier for when you get to the new house and label boxes for which room you want them to go into.
- Pack a moving day bag and keep it handy. You can put things like toilet roll, light bulbs, chargers, wipes, or any other things that you’ll need to quickly grab in the new home. You won’t want to get caught short!
- Set up a redirect for your mail. Sometimes you can do this online. It is quick and easy to do, with just a small fee to pay.
- Update the address on your bills. Your banks, credit cards, and any other people that send you mail are going to need your new address details. So set aside some time to call them all and let them know when you’re moving.
- Do a big clean of your home and throw out anything that you no longer need. Check if you are going to leave anything in the home for the new owners, like curtains or white goods.
After The Move
- Register with a doctor and dentist in the area. You want to be set up for emergencies.
- Relax and enjoy your new home!