Failsafe Ways To Hit Your 5-A-Day

Winter is looming, and many of us are making an effort to get in shape over the colder months before Summer pops up again, especially after being in isolation. If you’re on a health drive, and you’re looking for simple ways to improve your diet, we have the answers. Follow these fail safe tips to hit your 5-a-day, every day. You’ll look and feel great in no time.

Nutritious smoothies

If you buy smoothies from stores or cafes, they often contain a lot of hidden sugar. Making smoothies at home enables you to control exactly what goes into the drink. You’ll also save loads of money creating DIY versions. All you need is a blender and a pile of fruit and vegetables. If you have a sweet tooth, go for strawberry, mango, and banana. If you’re looking to detox, go for cucumber, kale, and kiwis. Mix up the ingredients and play around with recipes. You can easily pack in two or three of your 5-a-day per serving.


Simple soups

Soups are a winter staple. Swap hearty flavours, such as leek and potato, for asparagus or tomato. Making soup at home is easy, and you can throw in as many vegetables as you like. If you’re making vegetable soup, you could add celery, leeks, carrot, capsicum, and butternut squash.


Sizzling salads

Some people think salads are boring, but a salad is what you make of it. You can create beautiful salads simply by adding a few ingredients. Start with a base of romaine hearts and add radishes, yellow peppers and cherry tomatoes. Grill some chicken or turkey strips and add crispy pancetta. Drizzle over a splash of olive oil, and sprinkle some parmesan to finish. Before you know it, you’ve rustled up a delicious healthy meal. If you’re vegetarian, swap meat for fish or cheese. Goat’s cheese, feta, and mozzarella are fantastic choices.109957620_c711ba49b0_bImage

Homemade sauces

If you’re a fan of pasta dishes, but you’re guilty of relying on jars, try out your culinary skills on a homemade sauce. A light tomato sauce is easy and quick. You can also pack in some extra vegetables to enhance flavour and ensure you get all those key nutrients. Add celery and carrot to a classic Bolognese. Or replace spaghetti with zuccgetti. Serve with a side salad, or a bowl of washed spinach.


DIY fruit salads

Fruit is sometimes not the easiest thing to eat on the run. If you love fresh fruit, but you don’t get chance to eat it at work, try and prepare the night before. Cut up melons, pineapple, and strawberries, and store in a sealed plastic container in the fridge. Take a fork with you and enjoy a healthy snack at lunch time.


Sometimes, it can be difficult to make sure that your diet is spot on every day. With these simple ideas, you can boost your fruit and vegetable consumption and save yourself time and money. Prepare foods at home and experiment with tried and tested recipes. Try to use a variation of foods to increase your intake of vitamins and minerals. 

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