How to Do Up Your Garden When You’re On a Budget

If you want to try and do up your garden or if you would like to transform your home in general then there are a couple of things that you can do to pull everything together. Your garden can add a huge amount of value to your home and it can also help you to relax when the hot weather comes along.

Get Planting

One of the best ways for you to get your garden back in shape is to fill up your flower beds with great plants. You can buy perennials and you can divide these up among your beds and you can also put an end to any clumping that you have as well. When you buy plants, it helps to buy ones that are smaller in size because this will save you a lot of money. You’ll also find that you can get a huge range of colours as well so you can easily match it in with the colour of your garden. If you are struggling to get things to grow in your garden then Charlie Carp have introduced a slow release dry pellet fertiliser for gardens. This is one of the best ways for you to make sure that everything grows as it should, and that you have a happy garden!

Think High

When you have a garden, you need to make sure that you think about the different levels that you have. There are plenty of affordable trees out there and a lot of them are very inexpensive as well. You can even get trees such as crab apple trees, ornamental cherry trees and more. When you have a lot of trees, you can easily jazz them up by adding a lot of accessories and this is one of the best ways for you to bring out your garden’s personality.  

Be Smart

When it comes to your paths and even your patios, you have to make sure that you think with your budget in mind. If you want to get the best result out of your paving then you need to mark out the area in your garden, before scraping away any soil and grass. You then need to pin down a membrane so you can stop the weeds from coming through. If you want to save money then you can just lay down some gravel on top of this, or you can get a professional to install some paving for you. If you are doing gravel then you need to aim for a depth of around 3cm as this will help to stop the membrane from coming through.

When choosing your gravel, it helps to match it in with the other parts of your garden. For example, if you have a beige stone bench then try and opt for the same colour of gravel. If you plan everything out in advance then you can save money and you can even shop around for deals as well so you know that you won’t have any problems at all when the time does come for you to turn your whole garden around.

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