Going For A Cold-Weather Walk: Use These Tips To Keep Your Feet Warm

The winter season is undoubtedly the magical time of the year. And why not? With all the merriment and cosiness, it is pretty tough not to fall head over heels for the season. 

Plus, there’s no greater feeling than curling up with a good book and drinking hot cocoa in front of the fireplace. And let’s not forget about the tasty treats you get to enjoy throughout the holiday season. 

But there’s one thing that can put you in the happiest mood during the winter months. And that’s going for a cold-weather walk. 

Why should you consider going for a cold-weather walk?

Going for a long walk during the winter months can help change the scenery and terrain. The best part is that you get to keep up with your regular exercise routine, staving off the boredom. 

Exciting and helpful as it may be, going for a cold-weather walk can be challenging, especially if you are not prepared for it. 

And one of the biggest challenges you might face could be struggling to keep your feet warm throughout the day. If ignored, you might end up feeling shooting pain in your feet or dealing with health hazards such as frostbite. 

But don’t let that keep you cooped up indoors. Here are some ways that can help in keeping your feet warm throughout your cold-weather walk. Follow along to learn how to save your feet from the bitter weather. 

  • Pick less-breathable shoes

Athletic shoes often come with mesh uppers that promote better airflow. It helps the feet to get some air, preventing the risk of blisters. Such shoes also help in ventilation by getting rid of the excess moisture caused due to sweat. 

But such shoes are not exactly your go-to options for cold and wet weather conditions. In order to keep your feet warm while walking, you need something that comes with weatherproof features. 

Whether you are hitting slushy sidewalks with black ice or frozen singletrack, it would be best to opt for less breathable shoes. They can offer the grip, and protection you need during your walk in the chilly weather. 

Thus, it would be best to wear shoes with a durable upper mesh and overlays. This will ensure much-needed protection during your walk. In fact, opting for leather shoes can also be a safe option for you to avoid the chills. 

  • Do Not skimp on your socks

Once you’ve got your perfect shoes for the chilly weather, it is your socks that are going to be next in line of defense. 

You should keep in mind that wearing socks is important for the overall health of your feet. It helps in absorbing moisture and prevents potential damage to your feet. 

During the fall and winter season, your socks act as a cushion for your feet, keeping them warm. In fact, compression socks can also improve circulation, minimizing the risk of leg fatigue. 

Layer them the right way, and it would be really easy to stay warm and enjoy your cold-weather walk. You can start with liner socks which are considered perfect for wicking away the moisture. This, in turn, will help keep your warm feet warm and dry. 

You can finish the layering with designer socks, and you’ll be good to go. With the help of layering can help your feet feel toasty warm during the winter months, making you feel comfortable on your cold-weather walk. 

  • Watch your speed while walking

In order to stay warm while you are on your cold-weather walk, you need to add variations to it. From adding fast-paced intervals to steady and moderate, you can integrate different styles to your walk. 

Research shows that adding variations in your could-weather walk can help you lose more weight whilst keeping your feet warm. And before you set out for your walk, it would be best to start with a little warm-up session. It will help prevent the risk of muscle strain, injury, and build heat in your body. 

You can start the warming up session with a few jumping jacks or pushups and set out to enjoy your walk thereafter.

  • Steer clear of puddles and snow

Even if you consider investing in waterproof shoes, it would still be a good idea to steer clear of snow and puddles. Avoiding this would just elevate your chances of getting your feet wet, making you feel cold on your way back home. 

And if your route is filled with snow and puddles, make sure you go for your walk wearing rain pants and show gritters. 

You can also use plastic wrap and slide it between your shoe and feet for added protection. It will prevent water, snow, or cold air from reaching your toes. The best part of this is that it won’t allow the sweat to get trapped. 

The only thing you need to make sure of with this is that it should be thin enough to fit in your shoes the right way. It shouldn’t end up switching your socks. And if you feel uncomfortable having extra padding while walking, you can easily remove and dispose of it.

Bonus point: Take care of your hands as well

Before going for a cold-weather walk, you should keep in mind that your fingers are also vulnerable to frostbite. Thus, make sure you focus on keeping your hands warm on your walk. 

Although gloves can be your go-to option, choosing mittens can keep your hands toasty warm during severe winters. Some of them even come with electronics-friendly fingers so that you can feel comfortable using your phone while walking. Besides this, you can also carry hand warmer packets during cold days to stay warm throughout the walk. 

To sum it all up, 

The whole idea of going for a long cold-weather walk is to enjoy the chilly weather. And feeling cold can ruin the entire experience, especially when it comes to cold feet and hands. So, use the tips that are mentioned above and stay warm throughout your walk. 

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