Healthy smile, healthy body. Win a years supply of Colgate Toothbrushes!

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We all know dental health is incredibly important but recent studies have shown dental issues can lead to other health issues as well.
According to recent research, gum disease can lead to cardiovascular and systemic diseases.
In fact, those with periodontal disease are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease as those without the condition.


Gum disease begins with gingivitis, characterised by swollen gums that easily bleed. Without treatment, the condition progresses to periodontal diseases. These are serious bacterial infections.
Approximately 15 per cent of adults between 21 and 50 years old and 30 per cent of adults over 50 have the disease. 

Several theories exist to explain the link between periodontal disease and heart disease. Researchers found diseased gums release significantly higher levels of bacterial components, such as endotoxins, into the bloodstream in patients with severe periodontal disease compared to healthy patients. These harmful bacterial components in the blood could travel to other organs in the body, such as the heart, and cause harm. 

Another possibility is that the inflammation caused by periodontal disease increases plaque build-up, which may contribute to swelling of the arteries. 
Other effects associated with the bacteria can damage the lining of blood vessels, which can also increase the risk of stroke.
Results found that the risk of stroke is 2.8 times greater for individuals with gum disease than those without periodontal disease. 
The findings indicate people need to pay more attention to their oral health, as it may influence their systemic health.
Scary statistics, aren’t they? 

Just as well Colgate has release a toothbrush 17 times slimmer than those of any other ordinary toothbrush. 
With an added bonus of a softer and thinner head, Colgate Slim Soft gives a deeper reach for a thorough clean and goes in between teeth and along the gum line with ease. 
Colgate Slim Soft provides up to six times deeper reach for a thorough, gentle clean and goes in between teeth and along the gum line with ease. Which means, less bacteria and gum disease and even less chance of  developing healthy issues such as heart disease and stroke.
The Colgate slim soft is also perfect for those with sensitive teeth and gums, as the bristles are soft there isn’t discomfort like you get with regular toothbrushes! 
Colgate Slim Soft is available at Woolworths, Coles and Priceline for $3.99 and $6.99* (RRP), for a 1 pack and 2 pack respectively.


What I thought: I was actually impressed with the Colgate Slim Soft. I wasn’t too sure the softness of the bristles would clean my teeth properly but it did. The toothbrush also reaches all of the really hard to reach spots at the back of your mouth. I think it is a great toothbrush for the whole family.
 This is a sponsored post for Colgate and Digital Parents Collective.

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  • Cat

    Because it encourages lateral thinking and it's always fun!

  • Janet Camilleri

    Not sure why the question is about Lego when it's a give away for toothbrushes – so I'll cover both bases – Lego is good for the imagination, and these toothbrushes will be good for my oral hygiene and sparkly clean teeth!

    • Kellie Anderson

      Sorry Janet, bit of a failure on my behalf. I forgot to change the question from the Lego competition we had a few weeks ago :/ Good Luck!

  • Ariane Bowie

    It encourages them to be creative and do it "their" way. They are so proud of their masterpieces.

  • Effie

    Because it's the one toy they can 'break' without mummy getting angry! They love building things with the lego and then demolishing them again!

  • Kim maxwell

    When my kids were babies and teething, they got used to having my finger in their mouth while I was putting bonjela on their gums, and when I started brushing their teeth, they didn't mind and it soon became a habit. I wish I had found an easy way to get my daughter to eat breakfast, we still have world war 2 every morning!!!

    Kim m

  • Suzie Elo

    I buy my kids novelty toothbrushes which gets them excited to try them out.

  • Armstrong

    I have to admit that it is a struggle. They love getting new toothbrushes which helps a little.
    I always try to be honest with them and explain why we need good oral hygiene

  • Angie Boylan

    We have a 2 minute timer which plays a tune til they can stop brushing – without that the would only brush for a few seconds!

  • Angie Boylan

    My kids have a timer that makes them brush their teeth for 2 mins, they enjoy the music and I know without it they would only brush their teeth for a few seconds!

  • Jesika Mery

    Gum disease can be terrible. A gradual weakening of our gums can lead to tooth loss; forcing us to alter our diet and meaning that we lose our award winning smile. It is therefore vitally important that treatment for gum disease is sought as soon as it is identified. So we should be careful about gum disease and our dental health. Thanks for sharing.

    dentist brooklyn

  • Lid

    We brush our teeth together since he loves imitating what we do.

  • Lid

    We brush our teeth together since he loves imitating what we do.

  • Rockn

    They know they are not allowed any sweets if they don’t brush their teeth properly twice a day!

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