How to Satisfy Your Cat’s Cravings

Like humans, cats have lists of things they like and equally long lists of things they do not. Your cat’s preferences might be somewhat different from a friend or family member’s feline, but there will be several commonalities. Despite coming across as fickle, independent, and complex creatures, cats have simple needs that they expect their owners to fulfill. What a cat wants or needs may change as it gets older.
Finding out what makes a cat tick helps owners discover their feline’s cravings and how to satisfy them. While some cats might have more fanciful cravings, here are some that most kitties share:
Choose good food
Like all of us, cats enjoy a delicious, tasty meal. Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for your feline’s well-being. Many cats get urinary tract infections (UTIs) due to poor diet. When left untreated, feline UTIs can be fatal or cause long-lasting organ damage to the bladder and kidneys. Many feline UTIs start due to a lack of liquid intake. Prevent this from becoming a possibility by giving your kitty some all-natural UTI chews. It’s offered by some good brands and you can choose from Hill’s, Scruffy Paws Nutrition, Iams or Purina, or any other that you like.
If you own cats and dogs, you will see that a feline never approaches a water bowl for a long drink like a canine. Dogs visit the water bowl when they are thirsty, while cats do not. Indeed, kitties rely on their food to provide them with their liquid needs. When choosing appropriate cat food, always refer to the fluid content. Dry cat food contains the least, while moist meals have much more. This does not mean your cat requires the most expensive food available all the time. Use a combination of dry, semi-moist, and moist cat food to balance the feline’s liquid requirements with your budget. Buy foods rich in protein, including meat, poultry, and fish.
Give them treats
Even the most disciplined humans indulge in the occasional treat, and felines are no different. Indeed, many cat owners use treats to reward their felines for good behavior. Positive reinforcement is vital for kitties learning new routines and conforming to their owner’s behavioral expectations. Treats can become expensive during such times, but a quick online search reveals various recipes for making homemade, bite-sized treats.
Another treat that many cats adore is catnip. It is part of the mint plant family and easy to grow. Most cats respond to catnip by becoming relaxed, happy, and very affectionate. However, not all have this reaction. Some cats are more active, playful, or aggressive after consuming catnip. Experiment with catnip treats to see how your cat reacts before incorporating it into your cat’s treat regime.
Pay attention
While cats might give off an air of indifference, they are loving social creatures that need attention from their owners. Quality time spent with a cat is necessary to create a bond between owner and feline. One of the best ways to spend time with a cat is by grooming it. Felines are well-known self-groomers but usually respond well to having some human assistance.
Frequent grooming sessions ensure that a cat remains clean with healthy skin and coat. Felines often groom each other as a bonding activity, and your cat might want to extend you the same courtesy. Therefore, if your kitty starts licking you, it has accepted you as part of its pack and wants to bond with you. Offer your feline a gentle massage and give them plenty of rubs and affection to win its trust and love.
Let them sleep
Cats spend a large proportion of their time sleeping, and having a comfortable place to do so is something they crave. Some cats spend more than half their day asleep. While they might take over a comfortable chair or sunny spot during the day, cats like having their own beds.
Put a basket or cat bed down in the room where your cat should sleep at night and line it with some soft blankets or clothes. Most cats are nocturnal, although many learn the value of a good night’s sleep. Kittens and senior cats tend to sleep longer than adolescent and adult cats.
Create a routine
Cats crave routine as much as humans do as they are also creatures of habit. Indeed, they thrive on it. A routine gives them a sense of security and comfort when things happen at specific times and in a set order. Many felines are prone to anxiety, and a routine can relieve them of this feeling. They feel safe and confident in an environment where they know what to expect and when.
A schedule of mealtimes and play sessions becomes comfortable for a cat, and they soon adapt to new routines. As mentioned before, using positive reinforcement techniques, such as giving treats when teaching a feline a new routine, helps them adjust to it quicker. Once your cat is in a routine, do your best not to upset it, as this can affect a kitty’s physical and mental well-being.