Make Being Pregnant More Bearable With These Useful Tips

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At some point or another, most of us decide that the time has come to have a baby. Having a baby might be a scary prospect, but, trust me on this, it’s one of the most amazing things you will ever do.

Whether you have decided to take the plunge and have your first child or your third, you are probably worried about the discomfort that comes with it. Our bodies were made to get pregnant and carry a baby, but that doesn’t make it an enjoyable process.

Pregnancy is a challenge, to say the least, but the minute that you hold your little one in your arms, you will realise that it was worth it.

Being pregnant might be hard work, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. There are lots of  things that you can do to make your pregnancy a little more bearable.


Don’t stop being active

If you are normally an active person, don’t stop just because you are pregnant. You will probably find that people tell you to rest and sit down – don’t listen to them. There is nothing wrong with staying active while you are pregnant, just as long as you don’t overdo it; that is.

If you are tired, then rest. But if you fancy going for a run, go for a run. Exercising while pregnant is perfectly safe, so there is no reason not to grab your trainers and hit the gym. Plus, by exercising you will feel better as you will be in better shape throughout your pregnancy.


Learn how to sleep

This might sound a little strange, bearing in mind that you have been sleeping your whole life, but hear me out. Sleeping when you have a baby on board is completely different to sleeping pre-pregnancy – it’s almost like you need to learn how to do it, again.

The key to getting a good night’s sleep is comfort, which can be tricky to achieve when you are the size of a small whale. However, with a bit of trying out different sleep positions – lying on your tummy is a big no-no, you can find the best position for you.

Many women swear by using a v shaped pillow, as these can make it easier to get comfortable with your bump.  You can even get v shaped pillowcases for them so that you can choose the perfect material to help send you to sleep.


Wear comfortable clothes

Lugging a growing baby around inside of your stomach is uncomfortable enough. Don’t make things worse by dressing in tight clothing. By all means opt to dress stylishly, but don’t try to squeeze into non-maternity clothing. As you’ll only make yourself more uncomfortable than you already are.

When you’re pregnant, wearing flowing tops and dresses, leggings, and elasticated jeans are perfect. Stop shopping in normal stores and start buying maternity clothes. Trust me, you will be 100 times more comfortable wearing maternity wear.

Being pregnant might be hard work, but by following these useful tips, you can make it much easier for yourself.


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