Fun Bar Tricks to Impress Your Friends

Sometimes you learn skills to help you with your career. Other times you might want to develop yourself personally. You could learn to be an expedition leader, for example. But occasionally, you want to learn a new skill just because it looks impressive. It might not serve you much purpose in your job or personal development. But it’s another string to add to your bow. Having something you can use to show off at parties is always useful, in that you can entertain everyone anytime you want. People often wish to learn bar tricks, which they can use at home or while out for the evening. If you’re a bartender, these skills will come in handy more often.


champagne glasses


Balancing Forks

Bar tricks are always a great way to put on a little bet. The idea is usually to propose that either you or your friends do something that seems impossible. If you can do it, they have to pay out. With this simple trick, you just need a pint glass, a matchbook and two forks. But your friends (or customers) that you can balance two forks on the very edge of the glass. To do it, insert the matchbook between the prongs of each fork, with one fork on either side. Then balance the matches on the edge of the glass, with the forks balanced too.

barman cocktails

Kent Wang


Floating Olive

This trick requires an olive, a coaster, a wine glass and a martini. What do you mean, you don’t visit the sort of bar that has olives and martinis? Assuming you’re somewhere you can easily get hold of an olive, place one on a coaster. Tell your friends you can put it into a martini glass, without touching the coaster, the olive or the glass. All you have to do is take a different wine glass, turn it upside down and swirl it around the olive. You never said you wouldn’t touch any glasses. Eventually, enough centrifugal force will build to pick up the olive, so you can lift it and drop it into the martini.




Coin Drop

You need to spend a bit longer setting up this trick, with some careful balancing. Put a business card on top of a glass, and then balance a cigarette on its end on top of that. Then place a coin flat on top of the cigarette. If you’re a professional, you’ll have a fancy trick coin from ellusionist magic suppliers. But any old coin will do. Once you’ve managed to set everything up, tell everyone you can get the coin in the glass without touching anything else. To achieve it, blow upwards on the edge of the card. This action will send the card and cigarette into the air, but the coin will drop into the glass.


There are lots of magic and sleight of hand tricks you can use to show off while you’re out or spending time with friends at home. Although if you really want to impress, you could become a mixologist. You can learn how to throw juggle bottles and glasses to make the perfect cocktail.

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