Oil Pulling vs Mouthwash: Which Is Better for Oral Health?

If you’ve always taken care of your teeth the way your dentist told you to, then you may not be familiar with oil pulling. Not only that, but you may be surprised to learn that it’s used to treat your teeth and provide better oral health. If you haven’t heard of oil pulling for oral hygiene, then you may have a few questions about it. While oil pulling can aid in treating tooth decay, it is not able to cure toothaches. If you are experiencing excruciatingly sharp pains in your teeth, you can fix that toothache at a cosmetic dentist in newmarket on.  

In that case, if you’re curious to learn more about oil pulling vs mouthwash, take a look at the content below.

What Is Oil Pulling?

Oil pulling is an all-natural, ancient process that first began in India. It’s used to cleanse the body of bacteria and toxins that build up over time. This incredible ayurvedic process has become increasingly popular within the modern world over the years. 

Many people love this method because it’s natural and effective in providing better oral health. Here are some of the benefits of oil pulling:

  • Gets rid of bad breath
  • Boosts immune system
  • Treats tooth decay
  • Minimizes inflammation
  • Prevents heart disease
  • Improves acne
  • Prevents cavities
  • Whitens teeth

The process of oil pulling happens in the same manner as using mouthwash. You can swish the coconut oil around within the mouth for a few minutes. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is effective in damaging the bad bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath.

If you think oil pulling might be right for you, check out this article titled, “How does oil pulling work?”

The Pros and Cons of Mouthwash

While mouthwash is an over-the-counter product, it still has its benefits. You may be surprised to learn that mouthwashes, like Listerine, contain essential oils. It includes thymol, menthol, and methyl. Plus, it’s extremely effective in helping to get rid of bad breath.

On the other hand, compared to oil pulling, mouthwash isn’t as effective in minimizing bacterial levels in saliva and plaque.

Furthermore, mouthwash isn’t known to help whiten teeth. There are some mouthwashes that advertise a better, whiter smile but they aren’t that effective.

Essentially, if you’re someone who wants to get the most out of the products that you’re using for your oral hygiene, oil pulling is not a bad idea. Just keep in mind that it’s an ancient regimen that hasn’t been studied by the scientist. However, it’s approved by the people.

The Key to Better Oral Hygiene

As you can see, there are many benefits to oil pulling. If you’re on the fence about whether or not you should incorporate it into your dental regimen, give it a try for a few days. 

Compare it to mouthwash, and see which one you prefer. You might find that you actually enjoy oil pulling a bit more.

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