Our Guide To A Leaner, Greener Home Life

green living roomhttps://flic.kr/p/7tzo7J

Regardless of your thoughts about climate change, there’s one big reason for keeping a greener home – it saves you a ton of money! So, if you have been feeling the pinch of late and want a little extra money each month, read on. I’m going to talk you through some of the things you can do to save money, and the planet, at the same time.


Get an energy monitor

You can pick one of these little beauties up for peanuts – and it will save you money. Once you wire up a monitor to your utilities, you will begin to see the many different areas that are costing you a fortune. And, once you see those dollars racking up, you will start to make serious changes to the way you view your utilities. It’s the perfect way of getting a visual representation of the money you are spending – and there will be so many areas that you can fix. You’ll notice how much you pay for little things like the TV being on standby, or for expensive occasions like when you use your clothes dryer. It will make you think – so get one and see how much you can save.


Upgrade your thermostat

If you are running your heating off an old thermostat, why not upgrade it for a new one? Modern, programmable thermostats will give you much better control over your heating. And, they are much more accurate when it comes to keeping the right temperature. Use one, and you’ll be able to choose exactly when you want to be warmer, and let it turn off automatically.


Pay for maintenance

Regular maintenance of all your household gear and gadgets means they will work better, and for longer. Take your aircon and heating systems, for example. If they are clogged up with dirt and dust, it means they have to work harder, using more energy, and costing you more money. Look into appliance repair, too. If your white goods or oven aren’t functioning properly, it just costs you money – you are literally burning it away.


Take showers

The average shower uses far less water than the average bath – even if you are reusing the water for your children’s baths. So, take more showers, and get your kids used to taking showers, too. It will save a lot of money for you, and you will also be doing your bit to preserve this vital resource.


Get solar panels

OK, so this one takes some investment. But, it is precisely that – an investment, from which you can expect some return. In fact, statistics suggest that you will get all your money back from a solar install within five years. That’s pretty good going in any one’s book. It will save your electricity use, of course. But if you have any extra power stored at the end of each quarter, the utility companies will pay you for it and put it back into the system. It won’t mean an end to your electricity bills, but in some cases, it can mean they are as close to zero as possible.


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