Simple Advice For A Wonderful New Living Room Design

You’ve probably clicked this article because you’re in desperate need of some interior design advice. You want to design a new living room, but you’re not sure what to do, or where to start. With my advice, you’ll have an awesome new room in no time:

Looking For Inspiration

Many people take ages to design a new living room because they don’t have a clue what to do. There are so many different styles out there; it’s hard to pick one. What you can do to help your cause is look for inspiration. Take a look at some living room ideas on the internet or in some catalogs. You’ll be able to look at what other people have done, and what interior designers recommend. Then, you can try and replicate your favourite style, or use a combination of a few. I find it’s much easier to remodel your living room once you’ve settled on a style and got something to replicate. It means you know what things you have to get and what colour schemes you’re working with.

Get New Furniture

You can choose the style of your living room, but that’s just the first step. After you’ve decided on a design and colour scheme, you have to put things in it. Otherwise, it will just be a big empty room! One thing that differentiates a living area from other rooms is the furniture. This is the place where you’ll have sofas, comfy chairs, and maybe a coffee table. Not to mention things for your TV to stand on. It’s your task to find furniture that fits with your style and is also comfortable. After all, the living room is all about comfort. Get the wrong furniture, and it can stick out like a sore thumb.

living room- lounge-decor(Flickr:

Living Room Accessories

A big part of your living room will be the accessories. These are going to be things like ornaments, clocks, sofa cushions, etc. You can have a look at some home accessory ideas in the Lidl catalog if you want. Naturally, these accessories have to match the overall style of your living room. If you’ve chosen to design a modern room, then it wouldn’t be advisable to get a grandfather clock in there. It just wouldn’t fit, or make any sense. Keep everything connected, simple and make sure they compliment each other. Believe me, a few neat accessories can turn a room into something truly special.

Mood Lighting

For me, a living area is a place where the family congregate. You chill on the sofa and watch movies/TV through the weekend. So, I think the room lighting is very important here. Instead of opting for your typical light switch, get a dimmer one instead. This will let you control the lighting and set the mood much better. Dim the lights on a Friday evening to create a perfectly cosy atmosphere.


Now that you’ve read this advice it’s time to get out there and put it into action! Use my tips to design the perfect living room for your home.


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