Things You Should Know About Menstrual Health

Physical health and personal hygiene are an intrinsic part of a woman’s well-being, especially during menstruation. Although periods are a biological process, it is essential to ensure personal hygiene during these days. Poor feminine hygiene during one’s periods can lead to vaginal irritation, urinary tract infections (UTI), and even cervical cancer. 

Here are a few tips for women to follow for healthier and overall well-being!

Change your pads or tampons regularly

Many women use a sanitary pad or tampon for prolonged durations. This is a harmful menstrual health practice since it can lead to diseases and allergies. Keeping a used pad around the vaginal region and skin for too long exposes them to the risk of contracting bacterial infections or rashes. Tampons should not be kept inserted for over four hours to avoid toxic shock syndrome. Clean the area with clean water and antibacterial soap before changing the pad or tampon.

Keep the pubic area hygienic

Menstrual periods are messy, and it doesn’t help when the pubic hair traps some residue while it flows out. Being unhygienic can lead to infections without adequate cleaning. Before your period starts, trim your pubic hair as close to the skin as you can, avoid shaving because razor bumps can get infected. When your period begins, make sure to wash twice a day with an antiseptic soap and warm water. Dry out the region with clean tissue paper with fresh undergarments and pads or tampons to prevent chafing and rashes.

Dispose of soiled pads safely

Used pads and tampons are not to be tossed into the trash without being wrapped in paper and a paper packet before being disposed of. Soiled pads and tampons have germs and bacteria, and if they are not wrapped, they can emit a foul odor that attracts insects. While using a menstrual cup, wash it daily in warm water and antibacterial liquid to eliminate all contaminants. Always wash your hands after changing your pad.

Do not use vaginal cleansers or douches

Many women balk at having sexual intercourse during their period; some aren’t averse to the idea. However, ensure that the male partner uses a condom to avoid infections in both partners. However, don’t use a vaginal wash and douche. The efficacy of vaginal washing liquids is still questionable. Using douches can cause an injury to the private parts and spread infections.

Rest and relax

You might feel tired and dull during your periods, but it is just your body’s means of asking to rest. Take a nap, read a book, indulge your craving for sweets and chocolate, and practice all the self-care you usually don’t have the time for.

We understand that periods are still subject to an unfair awkwardness in conversations. Still, irrespective of being any gender identity, it is necessary to know about it so you can help when your assistance is needed. Now that you have a better idea of menstrual hygiene, we hope we have helped remove the stigma behind it!

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