Win a $1000 Westfield voucher and Pantene P&G hamper worth $150.


I’ve been using Pantene products on and off for over twenty years now and even though the brand had taken a battering from hairdressers and sylists alike, I have always found my hair to be smooth, shiny and in great condition while using it plus the Pantene trademark fragrance has always been addictive.  I receive a few compliments on how beautiful my hair looks after using Pantene.

Pantene have released their latest product line, Iceshine. Iceshine doesn’t have the silicon and potential buildup of other shampoos and conditioners.


The new Pantene Ice Shine collection is designed specifically for those who use a lot of hair product, feel their hair is weighed down or just feels “blah” and lifeless. Pantene describes IceShine as “Brilliant shine that lasts 24 hours. Pantene’s Ice Shine shampoo is specially formulated to remove dirt and styling residue, which can make hair look dull and lifeless”.

The conditioner as “Brilliant shine that lasts 24 hours. Pantene’s Ice Shine Conditioner is specially formulated to smooth the surface of hair strands, leaving hair conditioned and full of healthy-looking shine. Created without dyes or parabens and gentle enough for use on chemically treated hair”. You read that right. No nasties! Iceshine does sound pretty good, doesn’t it?

Even the lovely beauty guru herself, Zoe Foster Blake says it is amazing and feels like it is made for her hair.

[0109] Bella and Zoe

 So if the beauty guru herself says it is an amazing range, then it must be good enough for we everyday beings, yes?

To celebrate the launch of Iceshine, Pantene and Mummy of Style and Substance are giving one lucky reader a   chance to win a $1000 Westfield voucher and a Pantene/ Proctor & Gamble hair and beauty product hamper worth $150 (so you can look fabulous while shopping at Westfield. We have to love that!).


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  • Deborah Bolam

    My grand kids make me shine would love to win this prize would share with the kids

  • Michelle V

    My three beautiful children and my husband make me shine.
    They take me by the hands and dance me through the days of life, even when it’s no party.

  • Emily

    Simple pleasures make me shine. Love laughter good food and family

  • Bernadette

    Kindness, laughter, my son and being happy with me is what makes me shine. Also love pampering myself and using products that give results that shine!

  • Karen L

    Definently my kids! They make me shine with pride and joy and love and happiness all the time. 🙂

  • Fee

    I make ME shine! With the new found desire to make myself happy I will be the one to make me shine.

  • aimee tatham

    Expressions threw art with my kids, there what feels the house, making it a bright happy environment.

  • Sarah

    At the moment, glitter eye make is making my whole face shine. Don’t let a six year old help you get ready for work, it does not end well!

  • Katherine Barber

    A stiff alcoholic drink ….. I kid I kid, the love and support of my family, and my partner who makes me ferl special every single day

  • Jess

    Inner health makes me shine, it gives me the strength to get up everyday, put on my smile and glow with joy.

  • Trev Dunne

    Washing my hair with Pantene always makes me shine!!

  • Jess Cochrane

    A kind word from a stranger makes me shine. Compliments really can make a difference to someone’s day. 🙂

  • Jemma

    Starts with a good nights sleep and ends with following you passion

  • melissa

    my daughter makes me smile, couldnt think of anything more perfect

  • Claire thrower

    Seeing my beautiful kids happy and healthy, watching them play thinking I made them makes me happy and I think that shines through.

  • bigwords

    When I laugh with my family, make healthy food choices and exercise, I shine. And then when I have a treat day of bubbles and Maggie Beer, I shine even more. And of course, when I have a Westfield shopping day and wash my hair with Pantene. That just goes without saying.

  • phill

    I shine when the work day is successfully completed and my family take over in my priorities a good way to be happy

  • Steph Christie

    Remembering all the love and support my family has given me over the last year after having my daughter and now returning to work. Might not seem like a huge deal to some, but their support has been invaluable and I’m so grateful to them.

  • May

    Being with my family and friends makes me shine! They support me and know how to make me happy!

  • Sophie S

    I like to dazzle people with my hair’s shine, and watch them walk into poles when they get distracted! 😛

  • Rita

    Being pregnant made me shine!
    I was always told I’m glowing
    But now that I have had my bub
    The awesome glow is slowing
    My hair condition has really changed
    Every strand has lost its sheen
    My new shine comes from being a mum
    And changing over to Pantene

  • Lisa

    Taking time out of your usual routine with special friends and family will always help ignite that inner spark that makes you look and feel amazing.

  • Narelle Rock

    When my husband tells me that he loves me more every day and that I look just the way I did the first day he met me.

  • Cathy

    I make myself shine with everything I possibly can.

  • Stephanie Veljanovska

    Having a fun day out with the family that goes well always makes me shine.

  • Janine Gardiner

    Wow, so many things. My morning walk, my kids, the garden, the river, work, uni, my shoe collection… They all do it for me. Although my shoes make me shine AND sparkle.

  • jody buhagiar

    My children make shine. There is never a dull moment with four boys and I seem to find myself smiling ALL THE TIME !!!

  • Jess W

    What makes me shine? Making others happy and laugh, especially my partner who suffers from depression and finds it hard sometimes to bring himself out of a negative spiral, seeing him smile and laugh when he is with me makes me shine and beam like nothing else 🙂

  • Leanne. W

    Life in general makes me shine. I have a blessed life with great husband and kids.

  • Stephanie Compton

    My family and my pets make me shine…. like a rainbow at each edge of my smile!

  • kerry santillo

    To be completely honest shopping makes me shine. I feel happy, my adrenaline gets a rush and I get to get out of the house 🙂

  • melanie otto

    a good night sleep, waking up to summer sun

  • Karin

    Family get togethers make me shine.Doing things for others unselfishly.Family and Giving is what lifes all about.

  • Michelle McKay

    As a dedicated animal rescuer of 15 years plus, I am on call every day of the year, 24 hours a day. We are on call over the Easter break every year, and I know I will be busy this Easter with the increased traffic on the road, unfortunately the numbers of injured and deceased wildlife also increases.
    I will ALWAYS be available to rescue a distressed baby Joey whos mumma has been hit by a car. I rescue little baby possums, fruit bats, injured Koalas and their babies, wallabies, Kangaroos and their babies on foot or in the pouch…. I have had to climb through countless wombat holes, slide down muddy embankments, even have to climb ladders, up trees… I think I have done it all!!…
    Animal rescue doesn’t stop …. I rescue Australian wildlife every day of the year, at all hours of the day…..and will never turn my back to our wildlife in distress..
    <3 Being able to save Australias precious little wild animals and knowing I have given them another chance at life is what makes me SHINE.. . and I wouldn't change it for the world! <3

    • Jean Arnold

      Michelle and any other animal rescue persons or shelters are indeed shining stars.
      To try to do something kind for someone,be it stranger,family member or friend always makes me shine. A true friendship is worth more than money,and if I can help someone,or put a smile on their face,that is all the reward I need!

  • Simone Franssen

    The thought of my parents seeing and holding their 1-year old granddaughter for the first time this July, I can’t wait to see their faces!!

  • Slavka Karamineva

    the thought of winning this competition!

  • lucy

    The love my late husband gave me that lives on within my heart.

  • Nichole Mckee

    The smiles on our 5 children’s faces everyday makes me shine from the inside out

  • sam santillo

    My wife makes me shine. Her smile is my world.

  • Sharon Fawcett

    Oily hair and skin make me shine in a bad way but winning this prize would make me shine in an awesome way!

  • Julie

    Seeing our son get off the plane in Perth, and spending Easter with him.

  • Jessica Ashbrooke

    My family, the love we share shines brighter than a star, they love you and except you for who you are.

  • Angela Qian

    getting a compliment on my hair!

  • Troy Simpson

    People who smile,
    Who laugh all the while,
    They brighten my day,
    A shining light,
    To take my blues away.

  • Nicola Pengilly

    Everyday just makes me shine
    To be my best and feel just fine
    I need to win this fabbo prize
    Pantene and Westfield – just my size!

  • Kristy

    Having my 4 year old tell me he wants a cuddle and that he loves me is what makes me shine, along with my husband and newborn, the three of them complete me. But I have to say that Westfield and Pantene could also help me shine.

  • Jacqueline

    Would love to win this for my brothers and sisters, going threw hardships with money they deserve something nice (:

  • nichole henry

    Loving friends, family and wearing the brightest colors always brightens my day… special outings with lots of smiles are always the way.

  • Alarna

    Looking at the rear end of my Motherinlaw as she’s walking out of my front door!

  • cleo sids

    Soft, silky , healthy hair that makes me shine and feel confident knowing I look and feel good inside and out.

  • Josette

    Simply by being me 🙂 This would be awesome !!!

  • Rachel

    A nice sunny day makes me shine!!

  • lisa wijoyo

    a happy smile always make me shine 🙂

  • Yvonne Brookes

    I shine when little Miss 2 starts her day looking out the front door saying ‘it is a lovely day today’ no matter what the weather, I think we could all take a leaf from her book.

  • Stacey

    Family heading away for the easter break

  • teresa

    knowing my kids are always on their best behaviour when with other people

  • Sharon Markwell

    The first sip of the first coffee of the day makes me shine like nothing else! Sad but true.

  • Lee Davis

    receiving thanks for a good deed done. I do try to do one, no matter how small, everyday! Pay it forward.

  • Ruby N Skar

    Love makes me beautiful kids/ my dog /My husband also(most days) lol,make me shine.

  • Michelle Harrison

    Beautiful hair and my great personality

  • Gemma Seo

    Eating healthy, sleeping well and keeping up with regular exercise makes me shine 🙂

  • Mimi Lazarevski

    My husband and my two beautiful daughters make me shine every single day.

  • AmberB

    Hugs, Kisses and Smiles from my 2 year old niece. She is absolutely scrumptious!! She’s my little buddy 🙂

  • Jenny Swift

    My three young children’s vivacious, cute and hilarious personalities make me shine with happiness… I shine with happiness even more when they occasionally let me get some sleep too! 😀

  • Sandra P

    My children, I shine & glow with pride from what they have accomplished in their lives.


    Pushing myself to new limits makes me shine because I discover that I am capable of more than I know.

  • Andy Wong

    My wife makes me shine. She has faith in me and gives me confidence and her undying support and for that I love her.

  • Stephen

    My wife’s hair is truly her ‘crowning glory’. She’s looked for the ‘movie star shampoo treatment’ at a ‘suburban homemaker price’ for years and swears by Pantene Iceshine. Her inner glow is now matched by her (and now mine) outer shine. It’s a family affair…..

  • Atifa

    Doing something that I do not originally think myself capable of doing makes me shine. It’s just that feeling of accomplishment mixed with excitement that energizes me.

  • Cat rule

    Tell us what makes you shine? lots and lots of glitter! lmao

  • kirsty ellie

    defintly my neice i look after her monday to friday she defintly makes me shin shes one funny kid love her to bits i would she this prize with her mum

  • kirsty ellie

    defintly my neice i look after her monday to friday she defintly makes me shin shes one funny kid love her to bits i would she this prize with her mum

  • kirsty ellie

    defintly my neice i look after her monday to friday she defintly makes me shin shes one funny kid love her to bits i would she this prize with her mum

  • kirsty ellis

    its actually kirsty ellis not kirsty ellie key board error

  • kirsty ellis

    defintly my neice makes me shine she makes eveybody laugh she is a kool kid love her to bits ill shre this with her mum i look after her monday to friday while her mum works

  • Kim Clark

    Sloppy kisses and cuddles galore,
    never enough – I always want more!
    The love of a child – this miracle of mine,
    is all that I need to make me shine!

  • Melissa

    Sleep! At least 6 hours straight and I can shine like a diamond 😉

  • Jodie

    My partner and family make me shine. They are such amazing people.

  • Shara Kemp

    My Mom’s Encourage,My dad’s Success.Brother’s Support and Partner Love makes me shine.

  • olive

    Sometimes it’s my family and friends, and sometimes it’s glitter…

  • Lauren Whittingham

    Being grateful makes me shine! I don’t have any luxury items in my life and at times we struggle but I am so grateful for what we do have! A car that goes, a roof over our head and two beautiful young children. I am grateful we live in a country full of opportunities and without riots and war. I am grateful that everyday the sun rises everyday and we have each other. This is what makes me shine!

  • carmen

    My kids achieving there goals makes me shine

  • Kylie Monaghan

    My children make me shine. Spending quality time with them makes me so happy

  • Melissa

    After raising me alone for 21 years on the 16th April 2014, my Mum inspires me so much I glow with happiness! Beautiful, Determined and the epitome of Strength, she is my glow, my best friend and mostly; my role model!

  • Samantha

    love love love Westfield, hope I get in on this prize 🙂

  • Barbara

    Doing my random acts of kindness everyday

  • Trish

    When my 7 yr old sons tell me I look like a teenager …never been prompted or bribed -I haven’t been a teenager for almost 3 decades LOL.

  • Kathryn

    S leep
    H earing my kids laugh
    I nstantly hot shower
    N ice compliments
    E arly morning coffee.

  • phil holt

    my 17mth old granddaughter makes me shine

  • Brioney

    Finding time for me in-between working full time ad studying part time. Uninterrupted sleep can be a blissful thing!

  • Jenna

    My baby bump makes me shine! These pregnancy locks aren’t bad either!

  • Lorraine

    A regular Body Polish makes me shine!

  • Nola Goodwin

    Using Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner makes me shine

  • Lauren

    I try my best to shine from the inside by filling my life with chia and kale and blueberries but sometimes chocolate gets in the way and I need some help 😉

  • jess

    This would be so amazing. My family and friends make me shine.

  • Kyra

    A nice glowy foundation and my boyfriend always makes me shine from happiness 🙂

  • Morgan

    There’s nothing better than shiny, glossy hair, Pantene makes me feel like i’m shining!

  • Cathie

    Taking time to look after myself. .being a carer can take it out of you so I try to take time to look after me.

  • sonia

    Positive attitude and beauty hair everyday are reasons to make me shine and happy.

  • sonia

    Positive attitude and beauty hair are reasons to make me shine and happy everyday.

  • Nicole

    Getting a whole new makeover,hair,nails and a new outfit.

  • LisaW

    What makes me shine? The knowledge that I’ve finally made the decision to follow my own path; and to not do what I’ve always done. Looking forward to a brand new me!

  • Eva Kiraly

    Singing makes me shine, it lights up my life!

  • Taryn McPherson

    My man always makes me shine,
    As he treats me so divine.
    Making me happy in every way,
    That’s what makes a special day!

  • Glenda Jordan Wort

    Imagine how much fabulous Pantene you could buy at Westfield with that gift voucher – even after getting a whole new wardrobe!

  • Sarah

    I’ve committed a hair crime
    My oily hair is making me shine
    Pantene please save the day
    So I can shine in a different way

  • Taylor cadona

    What makes me shine is my younger sister Georgina she is my best friend in the world and when I am feeling down she brightens my day she is my flame in the dark. She makes me and my whole world shine!!

  • luigi

    My family make me shine – the bring out the best in me.

  • Dianne Childs

    My family! They bring me joy, especially my son. The innocence of kids is a wonderful thing to behold!

  • sapna

    Spending time with aged care people along with my son brings a lot of satisfaction to me. We love to bake cupcakes for them, celebrate all the festivals with them. This gives me a sense of achievement and the fact that we are a part of their life makes me shine – moreover i feel proud that this way we are contributing to the community and i am teaching a good thing to my son.

  • julie

    I make it a habit to smile with love at everyone I meet when I go out
    And I mean EVERYONE. People smile back with surprise, love, thankfulness, acknowledgement, gratitude, and all sorts of emotions. It fills me up. There’s no such thing as an ugly smile, it makes me shine and the world shines. ♥

  • Melly L.

    Doing a good deed each day and making someone’s life feel really special. The positive feeling that I get from volunteering inside the Salvos busy kitchen never loses its shine day in, day out. Seeing the jubilant faces shine around me everyday is the best feeling ever!

  • Jean Arnold

    Michelle and any person or shelter who rescues animals are indeed a shining star.
    For myself,I try to always do something nice for someone,be it a stranger,family,or friend. It may be as simple as yesterday in
    a charity shop I found a lovely truck I was going to get for my Grandson,but a little boy couldn’t find anything he liked,so I gave it to him.I recently made a scrapbook for a lady who I follow on Facebook,who shared her story about her terminally ill cat. These acts always make me shine,as I am so grateful for this amazing life I have.

  • Jill Hamilton

    My two little grandbabies make me shine,, their smiles and hugs and kisses melts my heart…”lub you nana” with a big sloppy kiss,, theres nothing better than that

  • Rachel Harvey

    A compliment makes me feel mighty fine, puts a smile in my heart and makes me shine!

  • Bree K

    Great hair makes anyone shine. There is no better feeling than stepping out a salon with your hair freshly styled and wishing it was like that every day! I find great hair care products make a huge difference to how my hair appears day to day. Pantene is a regular in our shower.

  • Bree K

    Great hair makes anyone shine. There is no better feeling than stepping out a salon with your hair freshly styled and wishing it was like that every day! I find great hair care products make a huge difference to how my hair appears day to day. Pantene is a regular in our shower.

  • Cheree Robinson

    What makes me shine depends on the day!
    Here are just a few: happy funny kids, a sunny day, a pretty dress, making people laugh, success in my business, walking through a shop and pressing the buttons on the musical toys! SHINE SHINE SHINE!

  • poonskl

    what makes me shine are my kids when they just love me!!

  • Ross S

    A smile from my kids because it’s always great to see them happy.

  • Dean Brandt

    Making others happy makes me smile.A sun rise and sunset.A babies laugh.Kittens at play.Dolphins swimming with the boat.Catching a fish.Aceing the exam.Seeing my sons.Being with my sons.Giving my wife a hug and a cuddle.

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