Women- Take a Note of What your Headache Location is Trying to Tell You
When you suffer from a headache, you just want to get into your bed, pull over the covers, and wish to ignore the lousiness you feel. Suffering from the nuisance is the worst kind of feeling and is heart-wrenching. But, you aren’t alone! Headaches are one of the most common complaints from across the world- the healthcare professionals exclaim.
“Studies show that women tend to experience headaches, migraines especially as much as three times more than men.”
While this problem can sometimes be deliberating and painful, most people treat this heart-throbbing problem with a simple painkiller. These people believe that the problem will vanish within several hours. But, what if the problem persists? Yes, repeated attacks and headache types can be a cause of something serious.
Now that you’re wondering if your problem is severe or not, then experts suggest paying attention to the location of your pain as first things first. It is because it will include the type of headache you have. Once you know the location, you’ll be better prepared to choose the type of relief to feel better faster and better.
The International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) defines around 150 types of headaches, which divide into primary and secondary categories.
Can’t tell the location of your headache? This guide is sure to enlighten you about different headaches based on where it hurts the most. Let’s get started with a valuable resource for health.
What are the most common types of primary headaches?
Primary headaches are known to occur when your pain isn’t triggered by something your body is already dealing with, like allergies or illness. These headaches may be chronic or episodic. The episodic headache occurs now and then and lasts for anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. Chronic headaches, on the other hand, are more consistent. These occur for some days out of the month and lasts for a few days. Thus, pain management plans become essential.
Primary headache classification includes:
- Tension Headaches:
If you’re suffering from tension already- chances are great, you’re feeling a dull, aching sensation all over your head, and the same isn’t throbbing. If you’re experiencing sensitivity and tenderness around your neck, scalp, shoulder muscles, forehead- know it’s a tension headache.
- Cluster Headache:
Cluster headaches are known to develop as a cluster on one side of the head, mostly in or behind the temple or one eye. Cluster headaches usually occur during sleep and last for a few days, weeks, or months.
You’ll know you’re suffering from a cluster headache when you experience tearing eyes, runny nose, or sweaty skin on the face before the headache.
The exact cause for cluster headaches is yet to be discovered, but health professionals claim smoking and alcohol consumption as risk factors. Thus, if you fear cluster headaches, it is always better to consult a physician. The doctor generally administers the following for easing the pain during the attack or series of attacks.
- Migraine:
Do you experience an intense pulsing that arises deep within your head? Well, beware, ladies, since it can be a migraine. The problem is severe enough to limit your ability to carry out your daily routine. People with migraines experience one-sided pain in their head as one of the most Headache Locations and are often sensitive to sound and light. Vomiting and nausea are also known to occur.
Migraine attacks usually run in your family and are associated with your nervous system. The location could represent the other types of headaches, but require a treatment, which is much different from migraine/
Those locations could also represent many other specific types of headaches as well, and they would require a much different type of treatment or evaluation than migraine would.
Migraine is common among people with post-traumatic stress. Another reason that triggers migraine may be dehydration, sleep disruption, skipped meals, hormone fluctuations, and chemical exposures. Doctors generally prescribe Triptans to patients that don’t recover with Over-the-Counter pain relievers. Triptans reduce inflammation and change blood flow within the brain, easing the pain considerably.
What are the common types of secondary headaches?
Secondary headaches showcase that something else is going on in your body. Know that secondary headaches might trigger differential activities in the body, which, if ongoing, can become chronic. Thus, treating the primary cause brings relief to the headache also.
- Hormone Headaches:
Women usually experience headaches, and the cause links to hormonal fluctuations. The problem is known to occur due to reasons like pregnancy, menstruation, and birth control pills, as these can affect your estrogen levels.
The headache primarily associated with the menstrual cycle is known as menstrual migraine. The problem takes place before, after, or during the cycle as well as while women ovulate. Both sides of the head are some of the most common headache locations for Menstrual Headache. Around 60 percent of women experience menstrual migraines. However, the healthcare providers suggest relying on techniques like yoga, acupuncture, modified diet eating for preventing these.
- Sinus Headache:
This problem occurs behind or around the eyes, across the cheeks, forehead, and top teeth. The pain usually comes as a pressure-like sensation and stays on for a more extended period. Activities like a leaning upside down or forward, exercise, or sudden movements can make the pain worse. You’ll know that headache is the reason for respiratory infection when you witness nasal congestion, discolored nasal mucus, nasal congestion, face swelling, and accompanying fever.
- Facial pain, Cranial neuralgias, and other headaches:
The meaning of neuralgia is nerve pain. Thus, cranial neuralgia defines inflammation as being one of the twelve cranial nerves emerging from the brain that controls muscles and carries sensory signals from the neck and head- to and from. One of the most common examples of this type of headache is trigeminal neuralgia that causes an impact on cranial nerve V. This nerve supplies the face and causes intolerable facial pain in times of irritation or inflammation.
Final Walkthroughs- When should you see your doctor?
Episodic headaches are known to go away within 48 hours. If you experience a headache for two days and an increase in intensity, you should immediately see a doctor.
If the headache lasts for 15 days in a month over three months, it is a chronic headache condition. Never take your problem less seriously/ lightly, as this can be a symptom of a severe health condition. Take timely actions as the treatment may run beyond OTC medications and home remedies.
Are you experiencing a headache? Please don’t ignore it, and reach out to a healthcare professional right away!