WSS Review: Dyson AM06 Desk Fan

dyson fan am06

With the recent scorching hot weather in Melbourne recently, a fan or air conditioning was a must have and we were fortunate enough to be able to review the very cool  Dyson AM06 Desk Fan (get it… cool… fan… ok, yes that may have been a bit of a Dad’s joke but I thought it was punny 😉 ).

We had two large split systems put in when we bought our house just over a year ago, however, the cool air doesn’t get down to our bedroom and since our bedroom gets all of the afternoon sun, it can be like an oven in there in Summer.

I’m not a fan of ceiling fans (get it… as they can be quite noisy and aesthetically, ceiling fans don’t look very nice either. That’s where the Dyson desk fan comes in. The Dyson desk fan is small enough to sit on top of a set of drawers but offers the same level, well actually more, cool air than a ceiling fan and it looks good too. Beautifully crafted, Dyson Cool fans are a true design breakthrough for home cooling. Dyson Cool has taken fan design to a new aesthetic level with a stylish and silent product that looks sleek in all homes.dyson fan 01

The Dyson AM06 desk fan, promises to be 75% quieter than the last model, yet produces the same amount of airflow.  Moreover, it uses 40% less power.  So a lower electricity bill and less annoyance equals even more to love about this cute fan. Very little noise is always bonus points in my book.

The remote is a lazy (or just very tired) person’s dream, means you don’t need to get out of bed to turn it off, or down, or up, as the case may be. The remote is also magnetized to store on the machine so it never goes missing.

dyson fan remote

The fan has ten levels of power, which is depicted on the base of the fan via a small LED screen. We only need it on two, it is that powerful! The fan can be adjusted up or down or pointed in any direction. You can also set it to oscolate.


The Dyson fan also has a timer function. If you get cold, like I do, you can set it to turn off at a certain time during the night.

The Dyson fan doesn’t have blades like conventional fans, which means no figures can be injured. Or, if you have three boys like myself, paper missiles/ planes/toy figures can’t be thrown in it, or at it or maybe swung off it (if we had ceiling fans).

When you turn on the Dyson fan, and turn up the speed button, a turbine style fan spins in the base, sucks up air from the vents at the bottom, and then spits it out via the circle. This means the AM06 is designed to distribute air more smoothly and evenly than conventional desk fans. Incredibly clever!

The fan can be easily cleaned, which is fantastic in our house, as I seem to have to dust every few days.

Verdict: The Dyson fan is worth the $449 price tag for it’s quietness, style and safety. It is a very powerful fan, which works just as well in a small space as it would in a large living area, due to the fan speeds.

More information can be found at:



#Gifted  We were gifted a Dyson AM06 Desk Fan from Dyson in accordance with our disclosure policy.


  • Lindi

    I like the idea of the Dyson Fans no blades have seen them in Harvey Normans and I know top Quality product and all But way out of my budget Unfortunately.. I have tried several times to get on a testing panel…. Are they economical to run and do they make much noise..?

  • admin

    Hi Lindi!

    Yes, the fans are incredibly quiet and a lot more economical than regular fans. I guess, in the long run you get your money back in what you have saved in power plus with regular fans they tend to only last a few years then you have to buy another one. You will have this fan for many, many years. Excellent quality.

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