Arborvitae: Wellbeing In A Bottle. Win A Health Pack For Yourself.

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It is no secret as we get older the more prone, or susceptible, we are to diseases and health issues. One particular problem is inflammation, which can go on to cause a myriad of health and wellbeing issues.

Many experts now see inflammation as occurring from an immune system response that’s out of control. If you are sick, your immune system switches into gear. Infection or injury trigger a chain of events called the inflammatory cascade. The familiar signs of normal inflammation — heat, pain, redness, and swelling — are the first signals that your immune system is being called into action.

Acute inflammation that ebbs and flows as needed signifies a well-balanced immune system. But symptoms of inflammation that don’t recede are telling you that the “on” switch to your immune system is stuck.

We are all vulnerable to chronic inflammation. It’s safe to say that most of us are walking around on “simmer” — which means setting ourselves up for problems as we age. Our ballooning rates of allergies, obesity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and
chronic pain don’t lie.

Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response; without it, we can’t heal. But when it’s out of control—as in rheumatoid arthritis—it can damage the body. Plus, it’s thought to play a role in obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Foods high in sugar, high carbohydrates and saturated fat can spur inflammation.

I have hypothyroidism and inflammation is one of the lovely symptoms of the disease. It causes achiness and pain in my limbs and extreme tiredness, causing a day in bed to recover. Of course, spending a day in bed at least once a month isn’t productive for running a business, a tween and a teen boys’, a house and social life. As you canimagine, I was looking for something to help with these ‘episodes’ of down time.

After much research, I have found the key to wellness, and the treatment of ‘unwellness’, is the ability to reduce inflammation at the cellular level, as well as boosting and strengthening the immune system whilst enhancing the removal of free radicals.

So what can we do about it?

Obviously, diet and exercise can help but what if I told you that taking a supplement every day can help with inflammation, arthritis and diabetes or with general overall wellbeing?

For the last month, I have been taking the Arborvitae Health and Wellbeing Supplement.

The Arborvitae Health and Wellbeing Supplement is a daily supplement that through regular use, can assist to normalise blood glucose levels in healthy individuals, as well as maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system and cholesterol levels. Arborvitae’s formulation is based on years of testing and research into the impact of inflammation in the human body.Aborvitae

Arborvitae Health and Wellbeing Supplement contains natural plant extracts of French Maritime Pine Bark extract, enzyme Papain (from Papaya) and Aloe Vera. This unique formulation of natural ingredients provides a potent supplement and is based on years of research into the impact of inflammation in the human body.

Cardiovascular problems, elevated blood glucose levels, inflammation, high cholesterol, poor health and function of the immune system can all be assisted from taking Arborvitae.

Ok, I admit, I was sceptical that a supplement could actually make a difference to my Thyroid disease but after using Arborvitae Health and Wellbeing Supplement for the last four weeks, I have seen signs of improvement.

I haven’t had any “thyroid days” ie the days I spend in bed, I have more energy and a nice bonus is my skin isn’t as dry as it usually is (maybe this is due to the aloe vera?). I also haven’t had the “brain fog” that usually comes with having hypothyroidism.

My verdict? I think it has made a difference to my overall wellbeing. I will probably continue with the daily supplement.

Arborvitae is only available via their webstore:

Arborvitae have a special offer at the moment. You can buy 2 bottles of Arborvitae (RRP $69.95 each) for $99 plus P+H

* Before an individual with an existing condition starts taking Arborvitae, it’s strongly recommended that they visit their doctor for a full blood test so they can measure any difference. This blood test should include any markers relevant to the individual’s existing condition – such as inflammation or blood glucose markers

Want to try Arborvitae for yourself? We are giving away 2 bottles of Arborvitae to one lucky reader.

  All you have to do to enter is fill out the form below. Entries are for Australian residents only. Competition closes at midnight Friday the 9th October 2015. T&C’s below.




Terms and conditions: The “Arborvitae” giveaway is a game of skill and the most creative entry will be deemed the winner. The competition opens Friday 25th September 12PM EST and closes on Friday 9th October at midnight EST. One entry per person. Australian entries only, sorry. There is 1 prize pack to be won, with a total value of $139.95. Winner will be notified via email. All entries will be signed up to our newsletter upon entry, if you do not wish to sign up to our newsletter please let us know via email. Good luck!

#SP This is a sponsored post for Arborvitae and Digital Parents Collective.

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