More Than Spring Cleaning
It’s that time of year again. The days are longer, and the sun is making an appearance. And, we’re all getting out our cleaning gear for the annual spring clean. It’s the perfect chance to freshen and clean out those winter cobwebs. Sometimes, though, cleaning isn’t enough. If you’ve cleaned everything, and still feel the cobwebs, it’s time to get serious. That’s right; a complete change may be on your cards. There’s no better time for it!
First thing first; you’ll want to redecorate. With spring in mind, opt for bright, light colours. Whites can look fantastic, though they’re a brave move. If you want to aim for a minimalist look, white walls are perfect. If you’d prefer not to go quite that far, opt instead for pastel colours. These offer that lightness without being so stark. It may be worth thinking about your flooring, too. Research your options. Wooden floors would be best for keeping things fresh. They look clean, polished, and fantastic. Bear in mind that you’ll need to keep on top of maintenance to make them stay that way. Find out everything possible about caring for wooden flooring before going ahead!
Think, too, about topping up paint on things like window frames. As this is the time of year when we get everything clean, it’s worth doing. Plus, there’s the fact that your new, bright walls, will put the old paint to shame. If you have dark window frames, consider repainting them to suit your new image. If they’re already white, redo them to make sure they look fresh as possible. That way, you can ensure every aspect of the room looks bright and clean!
Unlike when looking for autumn decor inspiration, spring is all about freshness and new beginnings. As such, do everything possible to freshen the house. Your redecoration will go a long way towards achieving the goal, but that’s not all you can do. It may also be worth freshening other aspects. If your furniture is looking tired and worn out, it will bring down the whole room. Either replace it or find a way to freshen what you have. Reupholstering old furniture can give it a new lease of life. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to stay in keeping with your new decoration. After all, your old pieces aren’t going to fit as they are!
Think, too, about taking down those heavy winter curtains. Keep them somewhere safe and get them out again next year. For now, opt for lighter curtains that allow the sun to shine through. Sheer curtains can be a fantastic choice, but bear in mind that they aren’t perfect for the bedroom! Think, too, about bringing the outside in. Houseplants will look amazing with your new home style. They’ll freshen your room like nothing else could. You can even make these work in a minimalist room. Stock up on some simplistic plant pots, and find somewhere to keep them!