LISS vs. HIIT Cardio: Which is better for Fat Burning?

In case of cardio exercises, many people struggle with one common query, that is, whether LISS is better than HIIT or is it the other way round. Plus, they want to know the best exercise for fat loss as well as building or preserving muscles. This is, undoubtedly, the most asked question by fitness freaks and a heated discussion within the fitness and health community around the world.

High Intensity Interval Training, also known as HIIT, is fast gaining popularity amongst performance athletes, physique-based athletes, as well as general fitness enthusiasts. All of these people are increasingly implementing HIIT in their individual exercise regime in order to lose fat.

This is because cardio is the best way to lose fat, along with weight training and nutrition, particularly for athletes that focus on their physique. Remember that exercise is a key to losing weight and live a healthy lifestyle. There are few supplements that could go well with cardio but make sure to do proper research, websites like the which have in-depth guides are a great start.Nonetheless, cardio can also hamper the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.

When physique-based athletes do fewer cardio exercises, their entire physique gets affected. Instead of looking defined and lean, they are not able to show their impressive muscles, which cost them a lot. On the other hand, a lot of cardio affects the muscle mass of the athlete that he or she maintains in a contest preparation, which has a negative impact on their recovery as well as energy. This might make the athlete look thin and exhausted on stage.

This is why physique-based athletes, runners, as well as bodybuilders opt for other cardio forms, including HIIT and Low Intensity Steady State (LISS). In this article, we’ll see which cardio form is the best for people who want to reduce their body fat while preserving their muscle mass.

No matter what your fitness goal is, whether you want to sleep better, run faster, reduce your body fat, or increase your endurance level during workouts, you must know which cardio is the best for you, which you’ll get to know today. In this case, you can also use a lean mass calculator so that you can calculate your proper lean body mass or LBM depending on your gender, height, age, and weight.

HIIT workouts

High Intensity Interval Training refers to the cardio workouts that switch between intense activity bursts and less-intense activities or just a whole resting period. This cardio exercise aims to reach the highest intensity for a short period of time.

Through this, 80-90% of the maximum heart rate of an individual is reached during the high intensity activity and then the heart rate drops to nearly 40-50% during the recovery period. In every session, the individual must complete a maximum number of high intensity intervals.

LISS workouts

Low intensity steady state refers to long duration cardiovascular workout sessions as is indicated by its name. However, the maximum heart rate per individual in this cardio workout is only 45% to 60%. In LISS, there is no or very small amount of change in the intensity or speed of the individual throughout the workout session, save for the cool down and warm up periods.

Which one is better?

Both these cardiovascular training exercises are greatly effective in their own ways for different people. LISS helps in losing fat owing to the fact that during moderate and low intensity exercises, the main energy source is fat, which leads to the loss of those extra kilos.

On the other hand, high intensity workouts have the main energy source of carbohydrate and fat is the secondary energy source. This is significant for people as per their fitness goal, such as marathon running, weight training, etc.

Thus, an amalgamation of both HIIT as well as LISS is what can help you in losing fat as well as building muscles. You can start with HIIT during your pre-contest diet and then jump to LISS. This is the best way to get into shape while maximising your fat loss at the same time maintaining your exercise intensity in order to conserve the lean muscle tissue.


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